Visit to the thermal springs of Muyange, a trip that brought back many fond memories – Burundi
I’ve never been to thermal waters in Burundi and last year thanks to Mum’s insistence, I went to visit Muyange hot spring. I wasn’t that excited about the trip because I’ve always considered hot springs to be a bit boring, as I can’t spend more than an hour bathing. However, my mom’s stories about the hot springs at Muyange convinced me to go. She repeated many times how pleasant and relaxing it was every time she went with her colleagues, and she never missed the therapeutic touch. Jessica and Vanessa were thrilled as it was like a swimming pool for them, and William and Nelson couldn’t wait for the ride.…
Visiting the Mwishanga Waterfalls, passing by our family friends in Rutana and Source du Nil in Rutovu – Burundi
Becoming a tourist in your homeland-Burundi!
On a visit to my aunt
In our language “Kirundi”, aunt is called “Senge” and I like so much how it sounds. In our tradition, Senge is considered to be the most loved relative by its nephews and somehow it really applies in my case. I have so many loving, nice and cool aunties and Marceline is among them. Thereby, I am sharing with you our visit to my Senge during our holidays more than a year ago in Burundi! Although it was a rainy day, we were so excited about our preparations, getting ready while waiting for the car. It took us at least an hour to get everything in place so that we could…
Experiența mea la show-ul Chefi la cuțite
În anii precedenți, am avut două ocazii de a lua parte la acest show care este foarte iubit de public. La vremea respectivă, am fost total dezinteresată, deoarece nu numai că mă consideram necalificată pentru acest gen de emisiune, dar aveam și prejudecăți despre persoanele care visau să participe la ea. În mod ironic, am decis să particip când s-a ivit ocazia pentru a 3-a oară anul acesta
. Pe măsură ce înaintez în vârstă, încep să îmi dau seama că timpul trece, la fel și oportunitățile. De aceea, mi-am promis să profit la maxim de această viață, acceptând noi provocări . Deși îmi plac provocările, nu sunt deloc o…
Start of holiday in Burundi – 7 days of isolation due to covid
The first day was for unpacking and settling in as we slowly got used to the tropical heat. Everything was fine until I received an email with the results of the COVID tests, the third one we made in three days. Jessica had tested positive. What a start to the holiday! In shock, it took me a while to see clearly what the next step was. I had to call my uncle to tell him the news and all the other people we had met the day before. According to the rules in place at the time, we all had to spend a week in isolation. Indeed, Jessica had not…
Places we visited in Morocco : 3) Ait Mansour
Although we don’t plan step by step what we are going to do day by day during our vacations, we know at least the places we want to visit. The spirit is to relax and enjoy every moment and see what places the road offers to us without having the stress of arriving at a specific place, at a specific time because we have already booked the accommodation! The road to the Gorges of Ait Mansour was splendid with its curves and landscapes. The red rocks as well as the villages with their houses well camouflaged in the desert colors made us feel as if we were in a cinematic…
Places we visited in Morocco: 2) Tafraoute – The painted rocks
The 3 days in Agadir were enough for a break at the beach! Here we are on the road, ready to enjoy our stay in Morocco to the fullest! The road from Agadir to Tafraoute was not that long. We took our time and stopped as soon as the opportunity arose whether to visit the small tourist sites indicated on the map or for a lunch in a village. Often this is not the best idea, as it can lead to disappointment from time to time. Just because the map shows that there is a tourist spot to visit in the vicinity, does not mean that there actually is one.…
About how I met Stefan
It was a day like any other in May when I went into town for some shopping. The downtown area was as hectic and vibrant as usual, the bus station was still noisy thanks to those guys called ” convoyeurs ” who were doing their job of announcing by shouting where the buses were going and how many seats were left. As strange as it sounds, I always liked the atmosphere of organized disorder in the big cities. Growing up in Bururi, a small town in the south of the country, Bujumbura was for me a city full of people who came from all over the country, a city that…
Hiking in my hometown’s natural forest reserve – Bururi
In my home town, just above our neighborhood, there are beautiful hills with abundant forest. Behind these hills are different villages, among them the one called “Ku Mpinga”. The landscape is beautiful, but I went there just once with Stefan when he visited my mom for the first time in 2011. We went by car as he had a 4-wheel drive car, good for field trips. It was a nice ride but somehow something was missing: we did not feel the grandeur of this dense green forest nor did we hear birds singing. Anyway, we enjoyed that trip and were grateful to Stefan who introduced us to something new which…
Places we visited in Morocco: 1) Agadir – How we spent our first 3 days of vacation
When it comes to looking for a place to go on holiday, two things influence our choice considerably: the season and the price of plane tickets. We prefer to go to warm places because good weather with sunshine is always an important element for a successful holiday and especially with small children. This also applies to luggage, the suitcases for a warm season are half the size as the ones for a cold season. For various reasons, Morocco was one of the countries we wanted to visit as soon as the opportunity arose. Five years ago, we missed our holiday there, due to a mistake by the embassy with my…